So this may be late...
I went to Paris last year for New Year's Eve, and much fun was had by all, including me, Robb, and his sister Leah. I was not blogging then, so I did not post about it, but I figured I'd recap (sort-of) how it went with a Mad-Lib. For those unfamiliar with Madlibs, it is where a series of words are requested (see the previous 2 posts) and then replaced in what was supposed to be there. This one was entitled: "Letter from an American in Paris." The words replaced are italicized.
Dear effervescent J Holden,
I am having a blithe time here in Paris. I spend every day reluctantly visiting museums, monuments, and rubber duckies. Yesterday I went to the Brunson Tower, which is located on the River Matroshka. Then I went to the Jeu de Pomme. This is a museum that is spelled J-E-U D-E P-O-M-M-E and is pronounced putzkrieg. It is next to the Louvre, which has the famous statue of Venus de Hicks and the painting of the Mona Alexandra by Leonardo da Giorno. The center of Paris is called the Place of the Partridge and is always filled with thousands of capsules all taking photographs of each other and of the many French Digerati. The food at the Paris restaurants is perky. I have already eaten adhesive snails and duck a la pear. I plan to delete to Paris again next year and hope you can fricassee too.
A deeply mystical experience, I would assume.
Suggestion: next time, when you need a verb, specifiy whether transitive or intransitive. Delete is transitve while the context is intransitve ("to Paris" being used as an adverb in this context).
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mike, i don't know what you mean about transit verbs and verbs that are intransit. Mine are always just moving around in my head and they go in transit when I do...
besides, I just did what Mad-Libs told me. And in fact if used in a slang sense I could theoretically "delete" myself from here and be somewhere else. I mean I can't really hop across the pond, but we say that we can, so I think I'm going to use "delete" as a verb "in-transit." Hope you can be okay with that...
guess gotta explain to all the non-native-English-speakers; what is a "putzkrieg"? And, if you/it refer/s to the word "Blitzkrieg", how could you ever name a French museum like that...we don't want to fight anymore, we are proud to be "their" neighbors, almost feel like brothers, and would love to have the Alsace back, just that tiny little part...just that one.
die Deutsche.
die Deutsche, danke for your comments; for the non-native speakers of English, I must say that the word "putzkrieg" is used only as a silly word, not meaning any offense to the French or the Germans. I am, after all part German, and a wee bit French too. Good thing you are learning French, though, my friend, because Alsace is not going to be speaking any other languages anytime soon I suspect...
according to my friend Robb, who claims to have invented the word, "putz" is Yiddish meaning dumb or idiot, but in a familial way, and to add "krieg" just intensifies it. It has nothing to do with "blitzkrieg" other than one could put them both in a poem because they rhyme.
I think Robb invented global warming too...
I have it on good authority that he invented the internet.
I wish the word (putzen) would mean "dumb" or "idiot" me it is the thing I have to do every Friday afternoon,!
AND, I'll never give up hope that the Alsace will be, again, a part of Germany :) Our language is much more beautiful and easier to pronounce!
perhaps. I don't know French, but it doesn't seem as "romantic" as so many seem to think. But then, ich kann kein deutsch...
it's softer than Russian!
you did a good job spelling that phrase!
merci beaucoup, mon ami
gotta work on that one...I'm female: amie! but other than that, good job as well :)
am looking through some Spain pics Rojo has published on flickr, oh and Susann's NYC trip. Did she make you take all the pics of her or why are you only on 1 of them...
so maybe we should call you "amie" then? a mi me da iqual, como tu quieres
oops! that last comment was sent late.
I'll have to stop by her site and see, but she's sending me a disk when she gets it from Sven. Maybe I'll post some of them too..
well, i came upon this game a little late
i have been called many, many things. i have been given many, many nicknames.
but "the effervescent j holden" MUST be one of the best ones EVER
this is fun - i used to love mad libs
I think I'll have to do another, but maybe I'll write it myself and change up the rules a bit...
Like use the suggestions I gave you?
yep. exactly like your suggestions. only with a few minor changes. maybe.
What about "reverse Mad-Libbing" wherein you provide us all with a list of words, and we come up with the story...
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