evil attendants of the airways?
It seems the new Jodie Foster film about a woman who wakes from an in-flight nap to find her daughter missing has upset a few people, and when I say a few, I mean a lot, and when I say people, I mean flight attendants. But then, it is a Disney film, after all.
That is crazy- how could anyone have a good time in Scotland?
I mean, how did you meet Robb on the phone?
I love Scotland. I saw a show over there once- it Kilt!
"How can anyone have a good time in Scotland?" ?????
Scotland IS God's country East of the Atlantic!
But, Dovie, don't you remember my over-the-top, sharp-witted, sarcastic, smart-alecky, nature? (and there's the "I love Scotland" comment too)...
Speaking of Scotsmen: (Dennis is a member of the Henderson clan, BTW.)
From the slightly funny because it's true file--
Picture a Scottish chap deposing a man from Longview. This black plaintiff has never-ever--attended a single day of school. The old hoary-headed man, whose career never rose above the lowliest factory jobs, can't understand a word spoken by anyone from outside the American South. Not one word. And we attorneys (both black and white) can barely understand him because he is soft-spoken, nervous, talks like a black Boomhauer (which is better than the white ones we've met, but that's another story), and he slurs and garbles his heavily-accented speech. This old man has never left the county he was born in, and still lives in the house he was born in. Scottie begins--
Q: Did you wear anything over your head, nose, and mouth, sir?
A: Huh?
Q: What did you wear?
A: Coveralls.
Q: You wore corduroy? What, trousers, then?
A: Huh?
Q: I said, 'trousers.' I'm sure you wore trousers or britches of some sort or another. What I'm attempting to ascertain, sir, is what sort of protection you wore over your clothes.
A: (Plaintiff says nothing.)
Q: Do you understand my question, sir?
A: Nome. I don't even know what you just said.
Q: (Growing angry. Face turns bright red.) Sir, did you wear a rain slicker?
Q: A what?
A: (Plaintiff's Attorney:) He wants to know if you wore a rain coat.
Q: Yeah, ah wore a rain coat, yeah.
A: All right. So we've established that you wore a mackintosh. Now, did also you wear your spectacles in inclement weather?
Dat's funny, dude. I can feel his frusterationalness. Poor Scotty jus can't get into the veneracularal for that dude to really get what he's is sayin
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