03 novembre, 2005

New Lines

(I decided to write another poem after getting such nice comments on the other one. This one is maybe a little easier to understand, as I decided to use less metaphor and more english. It is kind of my thoughts about the creative process in general, and why I think I couldn't write anything that is much longer than a few pages.)

How do I write something new?
Something never before heard that’s true
To my heart, to my spirit
So that everyone who may hear it
Knows that it is mine?

It seems to me that when I write
I always want to reserve the right
To use something I heard one time
Something with a special line
Known only to a few.

A line of beauty and grace
Serves to brighten the face
Of anyone who hears it-
All who may come near to it
Warm to the imparted word of life.

When I write a line like this,
I often secretly make a wish
That those who may ever read it
Will be drawn, no even need it;
Water, quenching the beggars thirst.

Hard as it can be to compose
Lines with beauty like a rose
With the thorns of hardship
Yet the petals so delicate
That it must be cherished,

So I continue my endeavor
To reveal that which holds the treasures
That I may record my soul’s longings
Whether desires or wanderings,
And through them, I am free.


Blogger S. said...

Nice. And a good ending.

jeudi, novembre 03, 2005 11:23:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

cool! Mad Lib poetry! you'll have to email me the result so that I can have a laugh at it too...

vendredi, novembre 04, 2005 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger S. said...

Dennis, you 'member the rant a while back about nasty people on the internet? Some guy insulted you and E read it also, on another fellow's blogsite?

Check out the following from Peggy Noonan yesterday:

With most of the thinking people in America--most of those who respond to and have thoughts on what is happening politically--on the Internet, there is a great deal of discussion on all issues. The barbaric yawp is all over the place and it's colorful, sharp and funny, sometimes dumb and sometimes rather dark and disturbed. The Internet is quick as mercury and anonymous if you want it to be. People post things they wouldn't necessarily want their names on; they say things they wouldn't necessarily want to defend to their colleagues, friends and neighbors.

That people sometimes do this on impulse, after perhaps the third Grey Goose, leads to and I think encourages a certain polarity in our discourse. It leads to heightened drama, heightened language and extreme thinking. Unpondered thoughts are put forward in unmediated language. Fine--this is all part of the fun--but it is not without implications.

I have noticed that our pundits--our columnists and speakers on TV, our known voices on the Internet, our bloggers and compulsive thought-sharers--have begun to heighten their own tones, express their thoughts more extremely and dramatically, just to break through the clutter. And make an impression. And compete. They have to compete--the Net isn't going away and the Net is free. If you're paid for opinions, they'd better break through. The Internet ups the ante on everything.

At any rate this might explain some of the recent language, imagery and poses of writers and pundits of previously august institutions, and previously august editorial pages, and of even so measured a voice as that of David Broder, who has been called The Dean for good reason.

I know, I know. She is the greatest writer in the United States. (That's not to say this her work.)

I had a couple of links all ready for you, but can't do it in comments.

dimanche, novembre 06, 2005 12:20:00 AM  
Blogger S. said...

Please insert "best" in the penultimate sentence above. Grazidankemerci.

dimanche, novembre 06, 2005 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

where should I put "best"? as in, "I know 'best', I know 'best'"?

I'm kidding.

why can't you put a list in the comments? It is not that hard. Maybe you could do it for my upcoming birthday.

dimanche, novembre 06, 2005 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

great birthday list...now I just have to decide which Ipod to get you.

i like this poem. really.

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 2:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

That's more like it. URL was too long

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 2:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...


lundi, novembre 07, 2005 2:13:00 AM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

Okay- so I'm not as smart as I think I am.

Try this one.

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 11:19:00 AM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

well, if I got the list right this time, you should be able to find the day on it.

thanks for letting me know that something was up- when I was using the link, it went right to the list because my browser automatically logged in. i had no idea that Amazon's generic list was so, well, unisex. I had a nice laugh when I opened it in a different browser! "Hey- that's not my list!! I didn't ask for this. I already have one of those. Whoa! I don't want That thing! Oh no!"

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 2:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

I like it, too. But be careful.
Remember, William McGonagal was a published poet as well!
Love you.

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 5:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

I think e thinks I'm a real stick-in-the-mud. I hope she's right!

(And insert "best" before "work," of course.)

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 5:22:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

you guys crack me up.

and of course I knew where Steven should put "best". as in "best" poem ever...

and mama, so you're a little more conservative than some; it doesn't mean you're no fun.

where did that saying come from anyway? How many boys don't like the mud? And playing with sticks?

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 5:32:00 PM  
Blogger S. said...

You guys have all completely lost me. I think it's E we can thank for the non-seq.

And why does RBB bother with sploosh if he doesn't have a website?

lundi, novembre 07, 2005 10:57:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

why indeed does anyone go by names, call-signs, or other monikers that are only known to a select group? for example, Steven, you have referred to me as "Lou" in this blog before, knowing that nobody else could possibly know where that came from nor what it signifies. Our friend Sploosh may wish to remain anonymous on my blog for reasons that are possibly far better than I could invent (or not).

maybe there is the need to remain in "character" at all times in certain places to preserve the fragile persona within the ID. The superego itself will go out of normal boundaries to prevent any harm coming to the I'd, or even the Ego for that matter. it is important that we do not break that trust when one whose true identity is known but wishes to remain hidden from others. for all we know, our friend may be continually scanning our writings, looking for that one thing someone may write that truly reaches into the depth of the soul and heals the wounded child within.

Or maybe Sploosh is just being a punk...

mardi, novembre 08, 2005 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...


mardi, novembre 08, 2005 1:19:00 AM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

it takes on to know one...

mardi, novembre 08, 2005 3:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Well, Sploosh, having admitted to having been your roommate for years and years, and having given other clues like "meh," can never be anonymous, and I know for a fact he is not a punk, whatever that is, and I doubt if he is worrying about anyone's
wounded inner child, so find another reason for his unique appellation.
In 25 words or less.
Or just let him sploosh on.

mardi, novembre 08, 2005 6:17:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...


mardi, novembre 08, 2005 6:29:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

RBB= rubber baby bumper
RBB= really boring banter
RBB= relaxing bubble bath
RBB= Red Blue Boy

mercredi, novembre 09, 2005 9:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Well! It seems that THIS is the real blog!

Whodathunk there were som many poetry fans.

Glad to see you straightening up there Denise. (Ooo that wont spark any conversation) To be frank, having known the good Doctor long enough, he actually suffers from Homo-supposis-nuerosis (the fear of being assumed to be a "Fan of Dorothy") Thanks to "e" he's probably gonna come out with another gift list soon with football memorbilia and power tools on it. D, don't overeact. I'm sure it was amazons fault. I'm confident. Really... I am.

SW, why do I bother to put a url indeed. ; )

Thanks, for the vote of non-punkidence, Mrs Dennis Mom, but seriously, 25 words or less? Your living in a fantasy world if you think 25 is enough for an introduction with these fellas. Maybe if they don't use consonants, but...(note: 25 words (granted one was made up, so LESS then)((not counting this note, of course))

Gotta take my inner child to the park...
Your friend,

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 1:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

My inner child needs spelling lessons.

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 1:06:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

nobody outed your big booty. until you verified it, anyway.

and certainly 25 words is far too few to even get warmed up, at least for me and Steven.

e, funny you should pick up on splsh's affinity for pirate lore, for pirates are among his favorite film genres...

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 2:16:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

oh, by the way, I do have a gift registry at Home Depot...

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 3:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Like Dream On! Gift registries at Home Depot are for soon-to-be-grooms, not just Anybody. And when you qualify, I'll be the first in line.

And I still think brevity is best.
We live in a fast-paced, instant - give-me-patience-and-I-want-it-right now world.
But since you're all so horridly verbose, I don't feel too bad about
rambling on and on.

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 4:07:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

we're cut from the same cloth, but with slightly different patterns...

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 4:28:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

we're cut from the same cloth, but with slightly different patterns...

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 4:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Mrs. Dennis Mom, great suggestion for a blog name.
Horribly Verbose! now if only I knew someone who had a blog that was verbose...or even used verbs.

As for the home Depot Reg...so many saws...so many.

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 6:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

well, he is a doctor, after all; who cuts up better?
and he can put 'em back together too...

(perhaps I've said too much already...)

jeudi, novembre 10, 2005 6:47:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

thanks, e. I think that's a good way to look at things. But I couldn't register for some of those things you mentioned... I did get emotionally attached to some who were unavailable...but at least I didn't marry the wrong girl...there's that...
I think that a registry is a great idea because it helps eliminate a lot of gifts that get that funny look that says: "thanks! it is so great! I love it! What is it?" It helps people like me who are extra finicky- no longer about food-more about stuff I would buy like electronics or books or clothes...
next I'm registering at REI...

vendredi, novembre 11, 2005 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

heh...if you finsish the word "reg" in different ways, it makes these last comments really funny.

My favorites: regurgitate, regulate-my-breathing, and regret. Ooo and register...thats the funniest.

Dennis, please register at toys R us next - or family dollar, so I can get you something for xmas.

vendredi, novembre 11, 2005 1:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Oh, e, I didn't mean NO ONE who wasn't a soon-to-be-bride or groom
couldn't register at Home Depot. Just Dennis. He understands, I assure you.
And Mr. Sploosh, I do have other identities than M D M!!! Like Granna, for instance. Now THERE'S
a super identity! Just ask Mrs. B.

vendredi, novembre 11, 2005 2:52:00 PM  

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