03 octobre, 2005

Der Kapitol

I went to our nation's capitol on Saturday. I forgot how much I liked it and how beautiful it is. I have to go back soon. I saw the capitol building with a friend who works for Congressman Ted Poe and then went alone to the Smithsonian institute of Natural History. I decided to wait until another time to see the Air and Space Museum. It means I have to go back.

I love this country. It is not perfect, but it is the best thing going. And everyone knows it.


Blogger The Doctor said...

hey, I enjoyed it too, but I just hope people realize that you're a person and not a Zorro Pez dispenser.

lundi, octobre 03, 2005 12:09:00 PM  
Blogger Nomad said...

I think it's wonderful that even after travelling around so much, you still think our country is wonderful and beautiful. I love it, too, but that makes me appreciate it even more deeply. I'm glad you got to hang out with Trey and company. He's one of the best hosts out there.

lundi, octobre 03, 2005 3:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

well, as a German I just don't know what to say. I mean I love the States, but the best thing going...dude, you just spent several days in my beautyful country...I mean.........

mardi, octobre 04, 2005 12:48:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

hence the nod to Germanic spelling. You know that I love Germany, and if I had to live in a western country it would be right up there (though I'd have to learn to speak German), but all things considered, there is no country in the world with our diversity (of cultures, of foods, of landscape, of people) and sense of freedom (to do things, from things, of choice, etc.)...

mardi, octobre 04, 2005 1:52:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

besides, it was cold and rainy while I was there all but that one day that I was with you. In August! Weather is an important consideration. And by the US, I don't mean just Minnesota, where you were- it is too cold there too.

mardi, octobre 04, 2005 1:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

I agree, dude. Wholesomeheartedly. Ah done been doin' some rotten on jus dat very ting. Dis nation rawks, man. U feel me, dog?

By the way, who's la alemana? Someone I should know (genetically, I mean, i.e., family) or someone else? Anyway, I have a woodcut of a Bavarian cathedral hanging over a doorway here (long story). Germany has its charms. But we have thousands of its people, don't we? I bet there are more people in States claiming to be German than there are living in Germany--of course, for many, it's just wishful thinking. Or they're one-sixty-fourth German, or whatever.

Best story was my pal Rick. He moved here from there at age 13, has always maintained dual citizenship, has taught German (and English lit/comp.) in U.S. colleges--but when he finally made a number of trips home as an adult...he decided his home was here. Here being of course, the Republic of TEXAS.

Boy, did that epiphany alter Rick's decor and wardrobe. (For example, you can reach him at maverick@ecowboy.com)...

Anyway, regards to La Alamana. Someday I hope to visit your beautiful, billboard-free nation....

jeudi, octobre 06, 2005 10:27:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

SW, you are going to be quite disappointed if you think that there are no billboards there. There are lots of them in certain areas (near the metro especially), and some are not quite up to the level of moral standards that we are accustomed to seeing here in the good ol' US of A.
Yeah, boy, and don' be lettin' it slip from your memorization that dis nation is da crunkenest, n' it'll flip, fly and smooth by anybody's elses dat gits isself all up in our grill, dog. fershizzle. peace.

vendredi, octobre 07, 2005 10:38:00 AM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

(we really do talk that way at home)

vendredi, octobre 07, 2005 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

as to the identity of "La Alemana," well, I should leave that to the language experts, who can say these things: 1) it is a spanish label, 2) it is a feminine noun, and 3) it refers to a person of Germany. The powers of reason would lead one to the conclusion that this is a German woman who knows some Spanish, and who is familiar enough with me to know that I would know who she is based upon that little information. And no, we are not related. As far as I know.

vendredi, octobre 07, 2005 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

So, any shout outs for Grand Cayman? OR Some o' those islands in the Souther Pacific? No billboards there! As for Deutschland...we have 2 Schlitterbahns, what we need Germanland for? It may be the worst ride at Disneyland (2 of them, also) but its true,,,its a Small World after all (and it fits in Texas!) ((Get my back, here SW, am I right?))

BTW - Waleses, I shall reign down upon ye, as a thunderstorm unleashed if ever I here ye ATTEMPT verbal-ebonisation, again. Key word: attempt!
(Denise prolly used a SnoopTalkWidget)

samedi, octobre 08, 2005 12:57:00 PM  
Blogger The Doctor said...

Well the area of Texas is 268,581 square miles, while the area of Germany is only 137,850 square miles, so I suppose we could fit Germany into Texas, but I don't think we would really quite have the resources. Our population in Texas is estimated to be 22 million, and we have seen how difficult it has been to assimilate less than a million from Louisiana. Germany has 82 million people. Now, there is a lot of land out west...

Maybe we can take one more though...

samedi, octobre 08, 2005 12:58:00 PM  

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